What has life taught you so far about being a woman?
“I am learning that in life in general, it is more about the choices you make and less emotionally driven than what I imagined when I was younger.”
You are not only my sister, you are also an incredibly talented photographer, director and storyteller. Years of hard work and effort is starting to pay back. What do you think it all comes down to? Luck, faith or hard work?
Work wise I think it is s a mix between hard work and saying yes to the opportunities that was given to me. If you make a lot of content, opportunities will present themselves and when they do its important to not let fear or self doubt stand in your way, even if we all feel it. I don’t take myself too seriously. Even though it might not be the most amazing client or idea, I still learn from it and potentially I will get something valuable out of the project.
As my younger sister, how you think our upbringing have affected us differently?
I think it is always easier to be the youngest as you get a glance of what the future could look like trough your older sibling.
What have i done that you wouldn’t do and have my experiences or life lessons taught you anything or scared you?
I have not made any choices based on yours or your experiences. I aspire to be true to myself and who i am , but honestly at this point it feels like i am just about to learn who i am. So it’s not totally clear to me what being true to myself is yet. I might be a late bloomer.
What did our mother teach you and how has she affected you ?
To be stubborn, fearless, crazy, passionate and strong willed.
When do you feel the happiest?
On a film set or when I am in love. I am an Endorphin addict.
Who has been the most kind to you, most important person or people in your life?
It’s hard not to give this credit to my parents.
What do you appreciate?
A good and stimulating conversation.
Do you listen to your instincts?
At work, always, in life not as much. I guess I need a certain amount of control in my life and I am a bit scared by my instincts at times. But the older I get I feel more connected with them and it gets harder to not listen to them.
Best advice?
I think people give you far too much advice. Especially as a woman. I would say plan your own life, don’t take on other people’s fears.
What is success to you?
I have always invisioned it as a latter. As long as you continue to climb you will reach somewhere. Always going forward is success to me.
Advice to yourself as a young girl?
Don’t think too much about what life is supposed to look like.
How does age and life experience affect you? Who are you now compared to 5-10 years ago and why?
I am a lot more accepting towards myself. I like myself better,
When in life have you felt most alone?
When I was in a relationship with someone I felt no mental connection to.
How do you feel about growing older?
If I was a man I think I would feel fantastic about it. About where I was heading with my career etc. I do still feel good about it, but as a woman I am faced with the constant reminder that my ovaries are aging. And I am supposed to make choices based on that. That feels unfair.
What are your hopes and dreams for your future and for women in general?
I hope I can continue to work on and develop my career. I hope that the next generation will not face gender related issues at their work place. That terms such as “ Women’s adverts” “ Women’s books” “ Women’s films ” will not exist. That female artists can be seen as a general human voice and not just a gender stereotype. The way male artists can. I also hope to have a child and to be in love and keep on having lots fun.
How do you feel about LA . What has the city taught you?
Me and my husband had lots of fun when we lived there. But it was never a place I wanted to settle down. I like Europe because it feels stimulating to travel between cultures and countries that are so different from each other. I feel a stronger bond to this part of the world. However, politically it has been interesting. Coming from a socialist country it is scary to see how people can just fall under the radar in LA. Old and sick people living on the street and so on. No free healthcare. Everyone has to fend for themselves. That said it feels very new, open and free. If you can afford it you can be anyone you want. No judgement. I guess that is the upside.
An ego question! Who am i to you?
Besides from being my sister. Someone that I much admire for her honest approach to life. A brave woman and mother who has brought up my all time favourite person Siena. I am sure Leon will be way up there too.
Thank you!
Q&A By Tonje Kristiansen
Photos: Bacon Oslo/Private

Marie is 33 years old, lives in Oslo, Norway with her husband and works as a film director at Bacon film. She graduated from Central St Martins in 2007. Her commercials and fashion films have been screened on websites such as; Dazed and Confused, I-D, Wallpaper, NOWNESS, Another Mag, Style.com and the Guardian. In 210 she co-directed and photographed her first feature film in LA. It was nominated for best debut feature at the Raindance Film Festival in London. This fall her new TV-series “Hashtag” will premier on Tv2 in Norway.
Marie was born in 1982 in Oslo, Norway. She graduated from Central St Martins in 2007. With several art exhibitions behind her, Marie´s aesthetics and visual storytelling was discovered by the commercial world. Her commercials and fashion films have been screened on websites such as; Dazed And Confused, i-D, Wallpaper, NOWNESS, Another mag